I’m Csaba Sziklai, masseur, massage educator and the author of the Massage Handbook. For me, massage is not just a job to serve our daily needs from a financial point of view. For me, it is a profession that helps me express myself. That is why you can be sure that you will not find in me a burnt-out, worn-out professional who just wants to get the job done. I am one of the few people who loves and enjoys my work. I thrive on helping you.
I’ve been interested in the profession since I was 16. That’s why I enrolled in a two-year course in therapeutic and sports massage immediately after graduation, to start my full-time career as a masseur. This year, 2023, marks the 10th anniversary of this. Of course, I’ve been training ever since – for example, at the end of 2022, I learnt pregnancy massage. This has contributed to the many techniques and different problem-solving mechanisms I have learned over the years. So now I have my own unique style of massage, which I can easily tailor to your needs and problems – for the best results. On top of that, of course, I have over 10,000 massages in my 10 years, with hundreds of satisfied clients. Of course, as a beginner, I also made a number of mistakes (e.g. using shop-bought massage creams full of fragrances, and later on, essential oils that could cause allergies). For which, in hindsight, I am now really grateful. I think that in order to be able to improve, it is really important to make mistakes and then recognise and correct them. Linked to this experience and my love of my profession is the fact that I have also been working as a massage instructor since 2022. My aim is to help my colleagues (and through them their guests) and to raise the quality and standard of the Hungarian masseur profession. Because that’s what I do passionately: to help as many people as possible with the love of my profession.
It is also an important personal and professional achievement for me that I was the first to introduce oncology massage education in Hungary in early 2023. This is a very special and very important direction, which has been helping seriously ill people in the West of Europe for more than 15 years to cope with the debilitating side effects of oncological treatments (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.) and to reduce them, thus making their everyday life more bearable. One of my main goals at the moment is to make my training be a part of the current training of medical masseurs, helping as many people as possible.
With me, you are the one the massage is adapted to, and you don’t have to adapt to me. I don’t have a set pattern that I rigidly stick to. For example, unlike many people, I don’t believe that massage should hurt at all costs, that you should work the body with as much force as possible. Now, of course, this doesn’t mean that I don’t give a strong massage if that’s what’s required, just that I don’t force anything. I have bodybuilding clients who specifically like it when a massage brings a tear to their eye. But I also have clients who have a specifically low pain tolerance and have come to me with horrible experiences from a practitioner with a different mentality. In my case, with the same personalized strength, technique and lifestyle advice, she achieved a symptom-free state, yet the massage process was a positive experience. She didn’t have to suffer for the desired result. Today, she only comes back to me for a relaxing, body and soul recharging massage.
Thanks to the right communication and my approach, the massage becomes a completely personalised experience. If you specifically prefer a strong massage, especially on your upper back, in silence, I won’t force conversation and I won’t rub your feet the whole time. But it can be the other way around and just as true. If you like, I’m happy to talk, and I can be just as effective in a more gentle way. Remember, you are the guest, the massage is all about you! Feel free to ask questions, there are no wrong questions!
I would like to point out that I’m working with (100% pure rice) oil on the skin, but for those who are more comfortable, I can also massage through clothes – in this case it is useful to bring a thin t-shirt, sweatpants/leggings.
My studio is located at 55 Andrássy út, in the inner courtyard of a beautiful, quiet little building. When I first looked at the property ad (in 2018, gosh, how time flies…), I was afraid it would be noisy because of the traffic, but luckily this was completely unfounded. The inner courtyard and quiet living environment provide a good foundation, backed up by super windows, so you really only hear the soft background music- which I can always turn off at your request if you’d rather enjoy complete silence.
The room is air-conditioned, of course, so the temperature is constant (which is turned off during the massage – unless keep it on is requested – so the air movement doesn’t disturb you).
Hygiene is also very important to me, and I am very particular about cleanliness: I disinfect and wash all textiles and surfaces constantly. My studio has also become aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and for good reason: I renovated it with my family, for which I thank both my wife and my father-in-law! So it’s quiet, calm, clean, aesthetic…: Everything for a perfect massage. Oh, and I almost forgot: the above clearly shows how important a calm atmosphere is to me. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve set up my system to have at least a 30-minute break between each massage. Of course, it means fewer guests per day, but it’s worth it. It gives me time to create the mentioned hygiene (think about it, where there’s no break, when is the cleaning done…?), I have time to relax so I can be 100% ready for the next guest, and it’s much more pleasant for you that you’re not jumping on a treadmill, but your appointment is really all about you and how I can help you.

I have been a masseur since 2013. During this time, I have performed thousands of massages and met hundreds of people with a wide variety of problems.
I accept that I am not perfect. I am constantly educating myself, regularly re-evaluating and revising my decisions, learning from my mistakes and improving. For example, since 2018 I have been working exclusively with rice oil because fragrances and essential oils can cause allergic reactions in some people and can even cause permanent damage. Most recently, I have expanded my knowledge in maternity massage to help my pregnant clients.
I have earned the respect not only of my guests, but also of many of my colleagues over the years. I owe this, among other things, to my book, The Masseur’s Handbook, which I wrote specifically to help my colleagues. Most of the professionals are already familiar with it, and the first 1000 copies in print are slowly being sold out. In addition, this year many of my colleagues have once again been able to learn about my name and ambitions when I introduced oncology massage to Hungary. At present, my training is the only one in Hungarian on the subject, so I am proud to be a pioner.
In the process of writing my book, I have contacted representatives of several professions in order to provide the most professional knowledge possible. These include a massage therapist, physiotherapist, manual therapist, dermatologist, psychologist, aromatherapist, and many more. In fact, because of my oncology massage course, I was able to meet two clinical oncologists. I can always turn to them with confidence for any professional questions I may have. I often do, for example I often contact Vanda Kelemen, a physiotherapist, and I recommend her to my guests for further help.
I have hundreds of reviews on both my Google profile and my Facebook page. It’s important to know that these are all unmoderated reviews, which means I can’t delete them, only reply to them. So they paint a completely honest picture of me.
When you come to me, we first discuss what you want. I will massage you based on that. Communication is important not only before the massage, but also during. And I don’t mean that you should talk, even if you don’t want to. It means that if you have any problems, I will change immediately. Too strong? I’ll be gentler. Would you like it stronger, deeper? That’s no problem. Are you cold or hot? The air conditioner and the bed heater underneath will help, whichever you need. There are a thousand little things, but they all matter because they affect the whole experience. I’ve had more than one client complain in the winter that they were cold at the previous therapist’s and they loved the bed heating. The point is, don’t be afraid to speak up, the time is about you and I will try to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
You’re safe with me. As in the previous point, I would also highlight communication. If you have any problems, let me know immediately. If you don’t want to take off any of your clothes, I can arrange a massage trough them. You should know that I am terribly accepting, non-judgmental. I don’t care about your skin colour, your religion, your social or biological sex, or even your sexual orientation. It doesn’t matter if you have scars, stretch marks, acne, or, say, how hairy you are. These are perfectly natural things, nothing to be ashamed of.
When you book an appointment with me, a 30-minute break is automatically created before and after the booked time slot. That half hour benefits you in two ways. The first is that you don’t meet anyone else. You don’t arrive expecting me to massage someone else, and you don’t end your massage already knocking or hearing the next person in line. Also, you may not have to wait because of a delay. Secondly, it gives me time to clean and relax. So you arrive at a clean place, with a refreshed masseur.
Conscious, healthy masseur – I take care of myself. In my free time I exercise, meditate, read, go to the nature, spend time with my wife and friends. Why is this important to you? Because the way you live your life has an impact on the way you work. I’m sure you’ve met a burnt-out doctor who doesn’t seem to love his profession and wants to help you with all his might. In my personal life, I strive to be as healthy as possible, both in body and mind. In fact, it may be my main hobby or interest: healthy living. I am proud to say that I am not in any pain, I am full of energy. This is also reflected in my work, so you won’t meet a bored, tired masseuse in my person :) I feel like I wouldn’t be authentic without it.
Thanks to my modern appointment booking system, you can check my availability at any time with just two clicks on my website and book the time that suits you best in a matter of seconds. No more back and forth phone calls and messages to see who’s available when. Smooth, fast, easy for both of us. Plus, it’s easy to save the event to your calendar with one click at the end of the booking process.
I only use 100% pure rice oil for my massages, nothing else. No unnecessary colours, fragrances, preservatives, nothing that could be harmful, nothing that could cause an allergic reaction.
The first thing every guest does is wash or disinfect their hands. In addition, I regularly mop and disinfect the chair you sit on, the bed you lie on and the slippers you use after each use. Plus any textile you come into contact with (the sheets on the massage bed or the towels in the bathroom) gets into the washing machine as you leave. (And I could go on and on with this chapter, because I even clean the washing machine regularly, for example… :))
As much as I’m in the heart of Budapest, on Andrassy Avenue, the air is as good. I admit, I used to love burn incenses, but as I’ve become more interested in healthy living and have delved deeper into the subject, I’ve come to realise that it’s not worth it. Incense is bad for my health and the health of my guests. In the same way, continuous essential oil vaping can cause a lot of problems. That’s why I decided 5 years ago to stop using any type of air ‘parfumes’. I believe in regular air ventilation and good quality air purifiers with regular changes of their filters. I think this helps the breathing system of both myself and my guests the most.
Often my clients tell me that they were freezing or melting at their previous therapist. It only takes a word for me to turn up the heating or even the air conditioning cooling. I’ll even turn up the bed heater on the massage bed if it feels good.
Andrássy út 55 is located next to Oktogon, in the heart of Budapest.
My studio is as centrally located as it is quiet. The only music you’ll hear is soft meditation music, which I can turn off at your request if you want to enjoy the silence.
I’m an animal lover and animal welfare is important to me. So there’s no question that I use ONLY cruelty-free and animal-free products, as well as in my home.
Like animal welfare, the environment is also a priority in my life and in my work. That’s why all my massage oils and cleaning products are all environmentally friendly. For example, I use Ecolife fragrance-free, eco detergent, which I highly recommend to everyone!
I believe that a lot of problems are caused by lifestyle mistakes. For example, if you have a sore neck, it could be because you look down a lot (at your phone, laptop, monitor) which is particularly hard on your upper back and neck. If you’re a open to it, I’m also happy to help you with lifestyle advice.
You can’t come straight away without a reservation, you have to check in – that’s it. :)
I can’t be reached by phone, you can only log in online on my website – To protect my own mental health, I have chosen to keep my phone number private, so only my family and friends can reach me by phone. I’m on mute at work anyway and concentrate on my guests.
It’s impossible for me to create the same pleasant atmosphere elsewhere as I have in my home, and I think you need the separate location (studio) to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, even if it’s just for the 90 minutes you spend at me.
I don’t crackle and I don’t use essential oils. Many people like both, some have asked me for both. However, the former is dangerous for the guest, the latter is dangerous for both the guest and the masseur. I write about both in more detail in my blog.
I don’t offer any services other than professional massages and lifestyle advice – if you know what I mean. That’s the way it was, is and always will be. And I’m also predicting here that if anyone crosses that particular line, I will immediately call the police and file a report. I respect everyone who comes to see me and I expect the same from everyone else.

Hungarian Post.
Physical gift cards are delivered by Magyar Posta Zrt. More information about them can be found here: https://posta.hu/
The delivery fee is 2990 HUF (which includes the fee for the physical voucher).
The parcels will be dispatched within one week at the latest, so the expected delivery time is 2 weeks maximum.
Thank you again for your patience, for the time being this is all I can fit in with the massage. :)
Online use
You will receive your purchased intangible goods (virtual gift voucher) immediately after purchase to the email address you have provided.
If you have booked an appointment, you can pay in person after your massage with card and cash.
If you buy a gift card, you can pay quickly and securely by credit card in my online shop – as an individual only.
Online credit card payments are made through the Barion system. Your credit card details are not passed to the merchant. The service provider Barion Payment Zrt. is supervised by the Hungarian National Bank, its licence number is H-EN-I-1064/2013.
There are three ways to achieve this. Via email, Messenger, and Google’s own chat. There are no other alternatives, my phone number is private.